Income for your school

Hire your school out to Sports Coaching Group and we can help you to boost your funds

At Sports Coaching Group we are always looking for new quality venues where we can run our clubs from.

New revenue stream

We are willing to pay for the hire of your schools buildings and play areas.

This not only benefits us in allowing us to use the best possible facilities, but provides schools with a new revenue stream to boost the school’s income.

This additional revenue stream that can be channelled back into enhancing the schools own activities.

We already have 10 holiday club venues across Cheshire, Shropshire and Staffordshire and we are always looking for more venues.

Benefits of partnering

By partnering with us, schools can transform their sports facilities into income-generating assets.

Schools thereby benefit from both the enhanced sports offering and the additional funds generated.

The children also benefit from having the comfort of going to a club where they attend school.

Schools can make money for their funds by hiring their venue out to Sports Coaching Group.

Do you want to find out more about how we can help your school raise funds?

Email us for more details at [email protected] or call 01270 449770

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